From Paul Tester, author of “The All Day Girls” in another sighting featuring young women getting desperate and wet at train stations.
It is a standing joke that ladies always go to the toilet in pairs, and this was an example. Two ladies, both just about 20, got off a train coming into London, late at night. The first, plumper of the two, was wearing tight brown-corded trousers. The other, slimmer one was wearing tight jeans.
They were both quickly heading towards the Ladies, both walking with one hand in the top pocket of their jeans/cords, the way ladies behave when they are dying for a pee. The plumper girl was leading and as she checked the door said:
“I think it’s shut, they normally are at this time of night. Well, I’m not going to use the Mens’ or go in the street, I want a proper loo.”
Brave words, but her friend disagreed. “Suit yourself, but as I’m desperate, I must go!” she said.
There was the usual leg crossing and twisting at the locked door, while they considered their options, the slimmer said very firmly, “I’ve got to find somewhere. Lets look outside, there must be one open somewhere.”
They began to walk resolutely out of the station, both doing their best to hide their desperation. The plumper girl was pulling up her cords from the waist band, pulling them as tight as she could between her legs to help her wait. The slimmer girl had one hand in the waist pocket of her jeans, also pulling them up, and was walking partly sideways so she could keep her legs partly crossed. A few yards down the street, with no sign of any toilets, thin had to stop and twist her legs tightly together, almost kneeling on the pavement as she did so. She was hit by a sudden surge of desperation that she could not control while she walked. The plumper girl kept on walking, even though she was pulling her cords up so tightly between her legs that she must have been in danger of cutting herself in half, or tearing the waist band off. The pressure between her legs must have been helping her hold her desperate need to pee. She was leading, as her slimmer friend could not walk when she was twisting her legs so tightly. When they came to the first side road, the plumper girl turned into it, followed by her cross-legged friend.
I had been following, but not so close as for them to notice, and they had disappeared down the side road before I could catch up. I did not risk following but walked slowly past. They had reached the first parked car down that poorly lit road, and by then, the plumper girl must have wanted to pee so badly she forgot her resolve to find a proper loo, had dived between two cars and squatted for a pee. The slimmer girl, who must have lagged behind, had no choice but to wait on the pavement and to keep guard while her friend had her pee. Poor slimmer girl, who was probably the most desperate of the two, was standing on the pavement, her legs tightly twisted and both hands pressed between her legs in a pose of absolute desperation. I could not stop and watch, but the plumper girl must have taken ages to empty her bursting bladder, and in all that time the slimmer girl had to hold back her own bursting bladder, made worse by having to see and hear her friend peeing.