Alison couldn’t sleep all night in her bed. She was sweating a lot, and as a result, her nightie turned wet and her long blonde hair had stuck to the pillow. She had tossed and turned and tried to close her eyes without success. Sometimes she got up to get a glass of water, drank it and went back to bed (she did that four times). As a result, she needed to go to the toilet. Again, she tried to close her eyes.
Half an hour later, Alison’s need to pee grew stronger. She tried to ignore it and crossed her legs, then putting one hand on her crotch. Eventually she went to sleep.
She woke up when the sun had started to shine through her bedroom window. Her need to pee receded a little, although that feeling seems deceptive in hot weather. She went to the bathroom to have a shower, longer than usual because she had been sweating during the night, and put her soaking nightie into the laundry basket. She then turned the electric fan on in her bedroom and had changed into a yellow t-shirt and sky-blue mini skirt. Underneath, she put on a pair of skimpy white knickers.
She went into the kitchen to find that she needed to buy some more drinks. She always drank mineral water and nothing else. Before she went to the supermarket, she had another drink of water from the tap.
By the time she got to the supermarket, Alison needed to pee again… the urge to go came back with a vengeance! She quickly got her water and proceeded to the checkouts. She went to the express checkout, where any customer can declare at least five or less shopping items. However, the queues were very long that day as the temperatures rose. More people were stocking up on any cold drinks possible, so creating a further problem for Alison. She squeezed her legs tightly and began to fidget a little as she had to wait in this long queue to get served.
Alison was in the queue for ten minutes now, but it seemed like longer than that to her as she became more desperate. She felt her swollen tummy, then crossed her legs and tried to stem her fidgeting, but it was no good. She also got hot and bothered, making her t-shirt wet with sweat. Her predicament was attracting the attention of a few male shoppers in the queue. She felt she was being watched, but she tried to ignore them and forced herself to hold on.
Worse was to come for Alison…. the queue she was in had halted because there was a problem with an old man at the front, who was arguing with a store assistant. She began pacing on the spot and was mumbling to herself. She was in real trouble now. Her desperation was getting worse, she couldn’t keep still, and many male shoppers, young and old alike, were watching her intently. She couldn’t leave to go to another checkout as all the others had very long queues. She was stuck there and needing to pee badly.
Suddenly, she felt some pee seep into her knickers. Her first instinct was to grab her crotch through her skirt with her free hand (she had a pack of four bottles of mineral water tied together in the other). She then started to curtsy and bend double repeatedly. She knew that while the queue wasn’t moving, she wasn’t going to stay dry. Five minutes later, she now had the other hand dug deep into her crotch, moaning repeatedly, and using all her strength in order to keep her pee in.
However, it was all in vain, as more pee seeped through her knickers and trickled down her inner thighs. She felt she was going to lose it, so she stood still with her legs together, still grabbing herself, and let go a huge gush of pee. She looked down at the wet puddle she was creating. Some of the other shoppers who were looking at her were amazed. She felt very relived, but also very embarrassed about her act.
She dropped the bottles of mineral water, and rushed out of the supermarket and towards a nearby alleyway, where she looked at her skirt where she had been grabbing herself, and lifted it up to see a drenched pair of white knickers. She won’t be going back to that supermarket in a hurry.