Molly was excited about today. It was the day that the Model Search 2001 auditions were taking place. She jumped out of bed and raced down to the kitchen to have her breakfast, which consisted of three slices of toast and a glass of orange juice.
Then she had a shower and changed into a shiny black mini-dress, which she bought just a few days earlier. She also repeatedly combed her long blonde hair, which flowed down to the middle of her back.
Molly soon left the house. it was around 7.30am, and she thought coming early would help her to get interviewed sooner. However, when she got to where the auditions were taking place, there was an horrendously long queue of ladies who wanted to be models like herself. So she stood at the back of the queue, and saw more ladies arrive.
About an hour later, the queue still had not moved, and Molly had another problem… she needed to go to the toilet. She had not been even after she woke up that morning. She tried to talk to some of the other ladies in the queue next to her to take her mind off her need. It did work for a short while. There were no signs of fidgeting as yet, and she was getting into a good conversation with one particular lady. The queue started to move and the pair were talking away about life in general.
Molly looked at her watch… it was 10.30am, and she was not anywhere near the entrance. She felt the pressure build up a little in her bladder, so she started to pace on the spot a little. She was getting worried about her predicament. But at the same time, she was also feeling a bit hungry, so she took out her sandwiches from her lunchbox and also had some limeade to drink.
Eventually, at around 12.30pm, Molly got inside the hall for her audition, but the pressure inside her increased considerably, and now she was beginning to panic. She didn’t want to lose out on a chance of a lifetime, but she needed to go to the toilet very badly now.
The organiser told all the ladies to sit down in rows in this large hall. Molly had to sit on one of those plastic chairs. Of course they were not comfortable, but that was the least of her worries as she crossed her legs very tightly to make sure she doesn’t burst. It was a very long time before she was to be called. She considered nipping out of the hall to find a toilet, but one of the staff told her if she did so, she would lose her place in the order. She gave a big sigh… she would have to wait until the organisers have seen her, and there were many ladies before her. She sat back down and crossed her legs tighter than ever.
By now her desperation was getting worse. She was fidgeting wildly in her seat and could not sit still for a moment. She could not hold herself with all the people around. The countdown to her being seen by the organisers seemed ages away. She was doubly waiting for her call and her need for the toilet. she was frantic and wanted to release her pee.
Suddenly, she heard the organiser calling her. Molly immediately got up from her seat. She had to stand in a row with five other ladies… she continued to fidget rather badly. standing in front of the ladies were three judges, and in turn they each had to do a style of catwalk towards the main hall door and back. Molly was tempted to blow everything just by walking towards the door, opening it and going through to look for a toilet, but she knew she needed all the willpower just to get through this.
Suddenly, she gasped, and felt a little pee seep through her panties. She immediately grabbed herself through her dress. She did not care who was watching her, because she wanted to go so badly. It was now her turn to do the cat walk…. but she never got that far. In fact she had already lost control, and pee started to flow down her legs. Her accident was seen in front of everybody, the ladies, the organisers, and the hall’s staff. A large puddle had formed from under her.
When she finished, she ran to get her things and raced out of the hall. She found a little park nearby, sat on a bench, and started crying. Her legs were wet, so was the crotch area of her dress where she had been grabbing herself.
After a couple of hours, she made her way home. She knew that if she had gone to the toilet earlier, she may have had a chance. But what difference would that have made if she was rejected by the organisers?