When I’m not compiling material for this website, I have a roadsweeping (street cleansing) job during the day. I work the early shift from 6am to 2pm- that means I have to get up at 4.30am, get washed, dressed and catch the bus. It’s murder during the winter months when the weather is cold and is still dark.
Often, when I’m sweeping, I get caught, because even there are several toilets I could use, I still get that familiar twinge in my bladder when I’m not near one, even when I’ve emptied my bladder before I start. The worst time is at Christmas, when most of the cafes and bars are closed for a few days and that I have to go further afield for a toilet.
One near accident came a year ago, when I was about half an hour late for work- I forgot to use the toilet when I left home, and as soon as I started, I was bursting. I couldn’t concentrate on cleaning my roads beacuse I was so desperate. To make matters worse, it was also raining that day and I had my waterproof gear on.
When I got to a secluded part of my area, I often find it difficult to pull down my waterproof trousers, and it would take a few minutes to get them down to my knees. I looked around to see if anybody was about, then I let my pee go against a wall. What a relief! I had waited all night up that moment to relieve myself- it was great.
I’ve had several close calls during the winter months like that one, but never wet myself…yet!