Steff had a very unusual fetish. She is one of many people who like to hold their wee to the point of desperation. It all started when she wet herself in the school playground at age 8. From then on up to the end of her primary school years, she wet herself at least twice a term, but she also liked to play hold it with herself.
When she attended secondary school, she often went all day without visiting the toilets. When she got up in the mornings, she deliberately avoided going to the toilet, having breakfast as normal, so when arriving for lessons, she was bursting to go. She often held it during lessons and fidgeted a lot.
When she did go to the toilet during breaks, it was not to wee, but to continue her private holding games, including crotch grabbing, leg crossing, curtsy, and so on. Unfortunately, she didn’t make many friends because she found playing hold it more important than talking to fellow pupils.
She carried her hold it exploits into adult life, which was probably why she never attracted a boyfriend…. she could not find a partner she could confide in to share her sexy passion. It was a shame because she was very attractive. One incident was when Steff went to the local park. It was a hot day. She was wearing a white t-shirt, a light-blue knee-length skirt and white tennis shoes. She carried a large, two-litre bottle of mineral water and a box of cheese sandwiches.
She found a place in the grass to sit down. It was difficult as much of the park was packed with people enjoying themselves. She started to eat one of her sandwiches and gulped down a large amount of drinking water. She did so in intervals until she finished the whole bottle.
Soon, she felt a slight twinge in her bladder and started to fidget a little. There were toilets in the park, but she rarely used them… she would just wet herself instead! Steff lay in the grass and fell asleep.
After a couple of hours, she woke up and by now felt she really had to go, but decided not to and instead crossed her legs and read a book. A while later, she felt herself become more desperate. She was fidgeting a lot, but was not prepared to budge from the area she was sitting on.
She began shifting her stomach, back and sides. She could not read properly because she need to take care of a call of nature first, but still kept putting it off. She was rocking a lot trying to keep the water in, but knows she will need to go sooner or later. Soon, she put one of her hands inbetween her legs.
She had a tense expression on her face, and felt by now she was on the verge of wetting herself, but she wanted to hold it in for a lot longer. She was now grabbing herself discreetly through her crotch and felt her pee-hole was about to open.
In the end, she could not take it any more. She just sat on the grass, widened her legs and started to pee. It soaked her panties and the back of her skirt creating a small river…. some wetness for a bone, hard ground.
She gave a huge sigh of relief for getting rid of all that water. The problem remains… how does she walk home from the park without people noticing the wet patch on her skirt?