Angie was late for work that day. She switched off her alarm clock the night before, when she woke up around 8am, she had to have her shower and get dressed very quickly.
She put on in haste a white sweater and a pair of light blue jeans. She then drank a large glass of milk before setting out for work. She felt a slight twinge in her bladder due to her night out at the pub, but now she has to hold it because as soon as she arrived for work, she would have to go to a meeting with other members of staff.
The meeting started at 9.30am, and Angie got a seat to sit down, just in time. Throughout the meeting, she had been fidgeting. Everybody else was paying attention to the manager, who was speaking to them. She was worried that if the meeting went on for too long, she might wet herself.
About an hour later, the meeting continued, and Angie was becoming more desperate by the moment, feeling the after-effects of the previous night’s lager, and now the milk she drank earlier that day. She tried to focus on the meeting, but she wanted to let go her much held-in pee. She crossed her legs and started rocking slightly in her seat, using all her strength to her pee in. There was soon a break in the meeting, and Angie was about to rush to the toilet when the manager called to her.
“Angie, I need to see you,” he said.
“Just a moment,” Angie replied.
“Now, please!” the manager called her sternly again. Angie walked over to him.
“I got something for you. I want you to write these reports, and take a drink with something to eat to your desk as you’ll be there for the day,” he said.
Angie, knowing that she would be able to do anything else, got her work and sat down at her desk, forgetting to use the toilet even before she started. Before too long, she was bursting to pee. While she was writing out reports with one hand, the other was jammed inbetween her crossed legs, and she kept shifting positions on the seat. Some staff were looking at her and became concerned.
“Are you alright?” one of them asked.
“I-I-I’m okay,” Angie replied. But she wasn’t really. If she isn’t careful, she would wet herself on the seat. She needed to use the toilet badly, but she also had the reports to get done.
In the late afternoon, while all the other staff had gone home for the day, Angie allowed herself to fidget wildly, which caused her to make mistakes, therefore making her task longer and more difficult.
About two hours later, Angie finally managed to finish the reports and rushed to the toilets, but when she got there, the door was locked. She was shocked and began to bend double and hold herself in desperation.
Suddenly, she saw a waste paper bin in the corridor. She went towards it, then pulled her jeans off and crouched over it. The pee then gushed out of her pussy almost immediately, making a loud splashing noise. She gave a huge sigh of relief. It must have taken a minute because of the fluid she held for almost 12 hours.
When Angie returned to work the next day, a lot of people were commenting on that pee smell. She just hopes that they don’t find out who did it.