Until a few years ago, I worked in a printing factory near where I live. It was a small business in which people who worked there had to get on with each other. There was a woman I knew who worked there for a couple of years, but I will remember her for one reason- her needing to pee.
Sometimes when I see her heading for the toilets, she always seemed to hold her skirt up away from her legs. I got excited about that even then, though she wasn’t an attractive woman.
One morning, the section I was working with was being snowed under with work, and she offered to help us out. What followed was amazing. As she sat down to help us, I noticed some wet patches on the front of her skirt. I was sure she did not go to the toilet that time, and my penis became stiff as a rock. I discreetly looked at those wet patches until they dried out.
“What are you staring at?” She snapped. I turned away. I kept thinking about that situation that day and afterwards.