From Paul Tester, author of the “All Day Girls“. This is the first in the series of sightings featuring older women.
So far most of the sightings have been of ladies aged younger than 22 or so. This was probably because many in this age group often tend to go out ‘on the town’ drinking on a Saturday night. But there were also older ladies in need of a pee, and they gave the impression of being less able that the younger ones of holding out if they could not get into the Ladies toilets. Also they might have been less willing to squat and pee in the street.
This was a well built, i.e. quite fat, lady in her 30’s. She was quite smartly dressed in a skirt, or dress, covered by a smart grey raincoat. She was with three men of around her age, also smartly dressed, as if they had been either to the theatre or a smart dinner. Coming onto the station, the men went in the Gents toilet and the one lady straight to the Ladies, but as normal, found the door locked. She stood there, legs crossed, her hands in her raincoat pockets, perhaps supporting her bursting bladder, looking anxiously round, hoping to find another Ladies. Realising there wasn’t one, she hesitated, then looking quickly round the station, and seeing it mostly empty, went into the Gents. No luck for her in there, because as normal all the cubicles were closed off, so she re-appeared with her male companions, who were more than a little surprised at her action. She was laughing at their reaction, and also explaining that the Ladies was closed. It was obvious to all that she was desperate for a pee. She was talking to one of the men, probably her husband, and most probably telling him how badly she wanted to pee, because she was crossing her legs very tightly, and I noticed that her right hand, still in her raincoat pocket, was pressing between her legs. The way some ladies hold themselves, thinking that nobody will see what they are doing. Presumably looking for somewhere for her to pee, they walked all round the station, when she was holding herself all the time in the same way, thinking that nobody would see or know what she was doing. She did not know that she as being observed by an expert.
When they could not find anywhere for her to pee, they had a short discussion, when it seemed the woman’s husband was telling her she would have to wait until they got home, but she was complained that she could not hold out that long. So in what looked to be a last resort, they walked down an unused platform to where a train was parked, with no lights on, and clearly not in use. Looking furtively about, because she was going to do something she knew was forbidden, she got on the train, while her husband stood guard on the platform. After a minute or so, she got off the train and they walked back to their group. She was no longer holding herself, so must have peed on the train. Either she had go into a toilet compartment on that train, or more likely as the toilets are often locked in waiting trains to stop the passengers using them in the station, or she had peed on the floor, willing to squat if she felt she was completely hidden from any watchers.
In my opinion, she was a respectable lady who would never normally think of either squatting in somewhere public to pee, or walking about in public, openly holding between her legs, or going into a Gents toilet when it was occupied by men. Since she did two of these things I think that these were the actions of a desperate lady who felt she could not wait any longer. If she had not been able to get into the unused train and pee, I wonder how much longer she could have walked about, looking for somewhere suitable to pee, and still managed to wait. Note that she was wearing a raincoat over her dress/skirt, and to squat in the open she would have had to pull both of these up round her waist and then her knickers and tights down, before she could pee. Not easy for any lady and it might have stopped her even trying to pee in a side-street. So would she have peed down her legs, wetting her knickers totally, something that with her clothes and the poor lighting on the station, would have gone unnoticed by anybody except me, or would she have some super-human effort and held her pee until she was home, perhaps another 20 or 30 minutes.