Sightings in the course of life
From Lionel:
“I am both impressed and in awe of those who are able to take the time and effort to capture sightings at festivals, special events or just by hanging around big cities. This is not something I have been able to indulge in to any extent. However I have had some sightings which happened not because of any intention on my part but just because I was in the right place at the right time. If I may I would like to share a few of these with you.”
On The Road
If you drive a lot of Britain’s roads, which I have had to do for work, you will I suspect inevitably see people relieving themselves at the side of the road. Mostly male, and when female mostly very discrete. However a few female incidents do come to mind.
One was before I was driving, Our youth club had organised a coach rip to the coast for the August Bank Holiday. No motorways to get there then. So the journey had its hold ups. We were crawling past a lay-by in which a coach was already parked. The occupants were milling around the lay-by. As our coach came to a temporary stop I was opposite one couple, who looked to me old – but as I was 16 then probably in their 50s! They were facing each other and well apart from the rest of their party, but quite near the road. The woman lifted her dress revealing pink ‘drawers’ – half way to the knee jobbies with elasticised legs – true passion crushers – which she promptly pulled down below her knees and proceeded to bend gently – certainly you could not really call it a squat – facing the man, who moved close and held her. I could see a weak pee stream start, but then the coach started moving and several others on our coach must have noticed what was going on as various calls erupted, and I forced myself to feign indifference and did not see any more.
With hindsight, what strikes me about this was how public it was. The couple by dress looked very respectable, and there was a hedge round the lay-by that she could have presumably gone behind. Perhaps that was blocked or too many others were already there. They had moved away from the rest of the party so may be that was deemed sufficient.
My next sighting moves forwards over thirty years. At that time I was due to go on a reasonably lengthy business trip abroad for my employers and had to visit our office in the West Midlands to pick up some background paperwork. Because I was off early the following morning I was driving home early afternoon and not rush hour! Nevertheless we were travelling rather slowly on one section of the motorway (roadworks, I suspect) and as a result had moved to the inside lane (which I confess is not where I usually drive). I could see a car a little ahead pull on to the hard shoulder. It was a two door coupe. A women, rather attractive in tight jeans appeared the passenger side (the driver I suppose) and opened the passenger door, squatting low behind it so still completely in my vision She then while squatting started to pull down jeans (and I assume panties) and peed. She had just started as I moved parallel to her car and while sorely tempted to pull over myself did the honourable thing, or wimped out as you prefer, and drove on. I have to say she looked very nervous (understandable) and kept her head well down as if she was working on the basis of “If I can’t see you, you can’t see me!” I can only imagine that she was intending to stop at the next services but the delay in the traffic proved too much for her. But I was surprised she squatted behind the car door. Had she gone in front she would have been shielded from behind while the bonnet would have protected her from immediate passing traffic.