From Lionel:
The beach can be a good place for lower level sightings. If there are no public toilets nearby I think most people, male and female will just go in the sea rather than leave the beach. No doubt this is happening discretely all the time but I can recall seeing some quite obvious pees by ladies, where they just wade in the water, crouch a bit and come straight out.
Perhaps the most blatant was on a Devon beach not that crowded. I was there with my two sons; we had been swimming and mucking about in a small inflatable dingy. Quite nearby was a couple, the girl was topless and clearly enjoyed showing her charms. I could see my elder son clocking her (he was about 12). We were drying off and they were packing up. The guy had gone ahead, quite laden. The girl stood up, put her bikini top on and walked into the water a few feet, squatted so the water just about covered her bikini bottoms and remained in that position for about a minute. Then she stood up, smiled at us, said good bye and gathered her remaining belongings to join her partner. On reflection, what intrigued me was that she was clearly not shy, but yet waited until her man had gone. Perhaps she had some inhibition with him present or maybe he ‘did not like that sort of thing’ – silly boy!
Also I recall being on the same beach, but a few years or so earlier and earlier in the year (May Day holiday) too. The weather was great, but it had only just got warm and the sea was still quite cold. Which may be relevant to what I saw. Anyway on the beach with my sons, I think sandcastle building with one and the elder was off in a nearby rock pool. Two women came on the beach; I would guess mother and daughter from ages and appearance. They were respectably dressed, as they say. They stopped quite close, in a convenient space and began to change. I was not paying too much attention at first but became aware that they were changing with an emphasis on speed rather than modesty so I am afraid my voyeur self kept a discrete eye on them. The mother was the one most visible to me and she stripped down to bra and knickers while standing and without bothering to use a towel and then used a towel just to remove panties and slip on the lower half of a one piece costume. She then partially released her bra putting the rest of the costume on underneath. The daughter seemed to be doing much the same.
As soon as they were changed they both headed straight for the sea, walking straight in. But after a few seconds they exchanged a few words and came out again and squatted at the water’s edge almost directly in front of me, I suppose 10-15 metres away. Then they began to pee – hard – through the costumes. At first I thought it was just water from the costume but after only a few seconds it dawned on me that no, the stream was far too intense and anyway they had not actually got their costumes wet. Because they were peeing through the material the stream was a little defuse, but obvious. The daughter I think was splashing about with her hands to try to make it less obvious, the mother was not bothering. After a little while they finished. Both splashed sea water round the crotch of their costumes no doubt to disguise the wet patch and then returned to where they left their towels, happily sunning themselves. I do not think anyone else on the beach was aware of what had happened, I think it was only because they chose to squat almost square in front of me that I was. Well, I think my younger son was aware I had lost interest in the sandcastle!
Again, why had these ladies behaved that way? With hindsight from their changing behaviour, I assume they had arrived fairly desperate, but why? There were public toilets by the car park at the entrance to the beach, some way off but that is they direction they had come from. I imagine that they were just going into the sea as quickly as possible to relieve themselves, but when they hit the water it was just too cold and so had to squat at the shore line.