Here is another update on the Sarah’s Secret Diary archive.
I looked up on some adult websites on the internet, and found there was a watersports forum, where people discuss over the web about their fascination with wetting and desperation.
Unfortunately, as I don’t have a computer at home, I’m at an internet cafe, a place where people can look up websites and send email to friends. It’s a very public place, so I try to be discreet as possible when I log on.
While I was surfing, I felt the need to go to the toilet. Sitting at a computer terminal, I pushed one hand into my crotch and crossed my legs whilst touching the keyboard with the other. A couple of hours later, I was bursting to pee. There were no toilets around…. the cafe was just a small shop and it didn’t have many facilities.
A while later, I began to fidget, and was moving sround in my seat so much that I felt some people were watching me. I tried to stop, but the more desperate I was, the more I fidgeted. It almost got to the point when I felt I had to find a toilet very quickly. On the other hand, I didn’t want to leave the terminal. I was enjoying myself too much, but by the desperate feeling of my bladder and using the internet.
Without warning however, I felt some pee seep through the tight jeans I was wearing and made a little puddle on the seat. It kept coming out in little streams and I found it very difficult to stop it. I managed it, but only after making a significant mess on the seat. I decided to rush out of the cafe before anybody could find out who wet the seat.