Xiao Ling was a pretty young Chinese girl, a bit above 20, who had come to Finland to do her Ph.d thesis in geology.
As part of her project, she was taking part in a field trip by bus, looking at rocks at various outcrops in Central Finland, together with many geologists from several other countries, some older and some of her own age, a few other women, but most of them men.
The field trip was going to take five full days. Xiao Ling had mixed feelings about the field trip: on one hand she was looking forward to this opportunity to see the rocks, and meet new people from different countries. On the other hand, she was slightly worried about practicalities, such as what to do if she needed to go to the toilet, when they were going to be out all day. The bus they were going with was not of the more fashionable tourist type with a toilet onboard (and even if it had, she may have been a bit too shy to use it). And in order to use time efficiently, they were bringing picnic lunches (sandwiches, beer or juice) with them to eat out in the field, rather than make lunch stops in a roadside restaurant, where there would have been toilets available and a chance to relieve oneself.
This was the first day of the trip. Xiao Ling had only drunk a small cup of tea for breakfast, and as they were having their outdoor lunch, she was only taking small sips from the juice pocket in order to wash down her sandwich. Still, she was feeling some pressure building up in her bladder after lunch. Most stops were at outcrops along highways, where there was little chance of getting away out of sight from the others and from the road to relieve oneself, at least for a girl. Sometimes, though, there were trees and bushes around, but Xiao Ling was scared to walk too far away from the others and maybe get lost, or left behind when the others left with the bus. On the other hand, she was too shy to pull down her pants and relieve herself close to the others, where she would be in risk of being seen by some of the men.
However, the pressure in her bladder kept building up. One stop was at an outcrop next to a rest area by the highway, where there were toilets, and somewhat reluctantly Xiao Ling decided to leave the group and try out the toilets. However, as she reached the small toilet building, she discovered that the proper toilet unfortunately was locked, possibly out of order. The only door that could be opened led to a small urinal for men, in the form of a cabinet with a channel in the floor along the back wall. She stood hesitating in the door opening. Should she use it? Could she use it? In what way, should she stand up or squat down? Turn forwards or backwards? She then discovered that the door had no locking mechanism on the inside, and decided it would be too great a risk somebody else (particularly some of the guys from the group) should come and open the door when she was doing her business inside. She stepped out, and just outside she met a couple of younger guys from the group heading for the urinal, or they would have caught her with her pants down in there.
However, her need for a toilet remained and grew worse. Most of the men found a chance to go behind a bush or a tree at some stop, but for her it was more difficult. Finally, in a stop with a lot of trees around, she felt she could not wait any longer, and should take a chance there. She walked away among the trees, as far as she dared without getting lost, but enough far away to be out of sight. She stopped for a short while, hesitating, looking for the best and most secluded place to go. Finally, behind a small fir tree, she quickly pulled down her jeans and underpants and squatted down.
But just as she was going to release her stream and relieve her bladder, she heard the sound of somebody else coming. She barely managed to gain control and hold her flow back, as she quickly stood up again and pulled her pants up, while seeing two men from the group approaching, probably out in the same errand as her. Embarrassed, she zipped her jeans around her bulging bladder, and, pretending she was done, started walking back towards the group. As she stumbled over a root, she almost lost control, and their was a bit of leakage in her underpants. She had to stop and bend over a couple of times more to prevent more leakage before she reached the bus. As she climbed into the bus, however, she felt another squirt of pee in her underpants, and as she sat down on her seat she could feel her bum getting moist.
Otherwise, there was some relief for her to sit down at first, but the bus ride on the small bumpy road leading down to the final stop of the day, located down at the seashore, was awkward for Xiao Ling with her aching bladder. Finally they came to a small parking lot next to a tiny beach in a summer house area. They walked along a small trail down to the water, passed the beach area, and continued along the shore to where the outcrops were. Xiao Ling was almost bursting by now, and desperately looked around for somewhere to go, but there were houses and gardens where they got off the bus, families with children along the trail or down at the beach, and then open cliffs along the shore. No public toilet in sight, and only a few scattered trees or bushes, offering little protection. And then came the sound of splashing water and waves slushing against the shore, making her if possible even more desperate. As the trail climbed up and down the cliffs, she could barely walk behind the others, desperately trying to hold her bulging and aching bladder, while looking around for a secluded spot to relieve herself.
Finally they came to a point of interest, a smoothly rounded rock outcrop gently sloping towards the sea below. As the group gathered around the excursion guide, as he started to tell about the rock, Xiao Ling stopped slightly above the rest. She was unable to concentrate on what the guide was telling, and visibly in a state of outmost distress, fidgeting around or bending forwards, with her hand pressed between her legs. To add to her desperation was the sound of waves hitting the shore. She carefully unbuttoned her tight jeans and pulled the zip a bit down, to relieve a bit of the pressure from outside of her bladder, but that did not help much. Although most of the others were concentrating on the guide and the rock, she could see that some of the men were casting a curious eye on her now and then, presumably wondering what she was up to, and if she would manage much further.
She did not! Suddenly, she felt a spurt of pee in her underpants. Rather than soaking her pants, she hastily pulled both her jeans and panties down just where she stood, in front of everybody, and squatted, still facing the group, while releasing a flood of pee. Her urine splashed forcefully against the hard rock between her legs, and started to flow in a heavy stream downhill, unfortunately right in the direction where the group was standing. Some of the men had been watching her secretly, and was aware what was happening. Others were standing with their backs to her and know nothing, until they were pushed aside, or jumped aside themselves, as the stream came next to their feet. The group more or less split apart in halves, looking baffled at the yellow river flowing across those interesting structures in the rock that the guide just tried to describe, and continuing down all the way to the sea; then looking at the source of the stream, pretty, poor Xiao Ling, still squatting with her underpants and jeans pulled down, and with an embarrased look at her face, as the urine was still flowing out from the hole between her legs.