By Booked
I am not sure how this should be posted, but I write further to an old Paul Tester thread regarding the Notting Hill Carnival, which I visited today.
By chance I entered a back street mews where I was trapped (my excuse was that there was a big concert at one end and a packed street at the other).
The mews, about 100 yards long, had 2 temporary toilets and a urinal for tens of thousands of punters – there were others but a long way through the packed crowds.
While I was there there was always a long queue of girls / women for the toilets, but demand was such that most men and many girls did not bother – there was seldom a moment when there were not one or more girls openly peeing,with or without some degree of modesty.
A highlight was a girl in a miniskirt who (I guess, as I did not hear the previous conversation) must have told her friends that she was about to wet herself and proceeded to do so standing up and in some volume to the applause of her friends.
A curiosity was a large cupboard (of the type in which one might keep a refuse bin). This had been adopted as a toilet for the more modest girls, who would climb inside while a friend held the door closed – this ‘facility’ developed a queue of its own, and on more than one occasion a girl who couldn’t wait in that queue just squatted where she was.
Really there was not much desperation, which is my preference, because with the exception of those prepared to wait in the queue nobody seemed to care about blatantly going where they were. Indeed I saw several who joined the queue and then left it to see by the nearby wall or next to the urinal.
I thought that this was worth sharing – if anyone had mounted a high level camera to watch all this it would be worth a packet on a dubious voyeur website!