Our old friend Neville returns with a new wetting experience! (Photo below)
“Hey guys, long time no see. A few days ago, for the first time in ages, I almost wet myself.
“It happened when was I was with family and friends to celebrate a relative’s birthday in a restaurant.
“Everything was going well, we had our meals… and the drinks were flowing, as you may expect. The problem for me was that I had spent to previous few hours not needing to go to the toilet. All of a sudden, I had become desperate. I tried holding it in, but eventually I had to go, so I had summoned courage to go to the toilets.
“I walked gingerly down to the gents, and opened the door, and got into a cubicle (I also needed to do a number 2). I earlier had problems trying to zip up my trousers, so when I tried to pull it down, it got stuck. I struggled with it for a few moments, doing so with all my might, but it wouldn’t budge. I was bursting to pee at this point, and was on the verge of releasing my flood.
“Suddenly, without warning, a hot shot of pee flowed down my right leg. I just about stemmed the flow. Eventually, I managed to release the zip, and sit on the toilet to have both my number 1 and 2.
“When I cleaned myself up, I looked down at the right leg of my trousers to see the wet damage which would be impossible to hide. After fifteen agonising minutes thinking about what would the others say, I finally plucked up some courage to return to them.”