Our old friend Neville is back with a more recent experience.
Hello, it’s me, Neville, and I will tell you of a recent almost wetting experience that occured to me just a few days ago.
Last year, after a few years away, I returned to the job of a streetsweeper, which meant I was back to working out of doors. In one way, I hated to do it, but as I was short of money I hadn’t any real choice.
For the last few months I had been covering a fellow colleague in an area which also covered part of a main road. The advantage to that was if I need to find a toilet, there were a lot of cafes I could go to. However, that option was removed recently because of the coronavirus pandemic, which meant that cafes, unless they were serving food to take away, had to close until further notice.
One morning, the depot I was based at suffered from a high number of absentees. Around half of the staff had failed to turn up for work (thankfully not due to coronavirus), and the sweeper manager asked me to cover another area. When he gave me the map, I was disappointed to see that it was completely residential, mostly of tree-lined streets with nowhere to go if I needed to pee. To make things worse, I didn’t pee before I started work for the day because the toilet based in the depot was out of order, which meant I was slightly desperate before I set out.
It was around half an hour before I got to my first street, and when I started, was by now bursting. It was difficult to concentrate on my work when I needed to pee, and most of the time I was looking for somewhere discreet to go, but so far, it wasn’t possible. Inbetween my duties, I discreetly shoved some fingers down my trousers and grabbed my penis. As time went on, I was getting more desperate, and it almost got to the point that I couldn’t feel I could work.
When it was time for a break, I spent at least five minutes looking for somewhere to pee, but with no such luck. I managed to sit on a fence wall to have something to eat, which eased some pressure off my now aching bladder. However, when I got up, my bladder was urging to empty, and now I had to go somewhere, anywhere to pee, which was difficult because I was worried about people looking outside their windows to see any suspicious activity, and if anyone saw me, I’d be in serious trouble.
Moments later, I decided that I had to go, as I was on the verge of wetting myself, so I walked to a corner of one street where there was a couple of communal recycling sheds. The sheds were normally locked, but as I realised, it was a collection day, so I quickly opened one of the doors and pulled out one of the bins and walked in. I frantically unzipped the zip of my trousers and pulled out my penis and finally began to let go. I breathed a sigh of relief as I peed like a fire hose. I looked outwards just in case someone was watching, but thankfully I was able to go uninterrupted.
Thankfully, I got away with it on that occasion, but there have been several times that I was on the verge of soaking myself while on the job.