Neville, the founder of The Bathroom, comes back to tell of his latest experience in the cinema.
This experience happened when my friend and myself went to see the movie Avatar: The Way Of Water at the cinema recently. I was staying with fellow family members over the Christmas holiday, and my friend had bought tickets in advance.
The day started when I had a large breakfast- sausage, egg, baked beans, and fried bread with a large mug of tea. By the time I left the house to meet my friend I felt a slight need to pee, but I pledged to use the toilet when we got to the cinema.
When I got to the cinema, I had to wait a little bit, as my friend was running late. I looked at my watch to see the movie was due to start in twenty minutes, yet he still hadn’t arrived. My need to pee started to increase and began to slightly fidget.
Finally, at around ten minutes before the start of the movie, he arrived and apologised, saying that the bus he was travelling in was stuck in traffic. We quickly got in to the cinema through the main entrance, and my friend insisted we buy some popcorn and drink. I needed to pee a bit now, but was more concerned about missing the start of the movie. There was a queue of people waiting to buy food from the kiosk, and two people were at the front complaining to a member of staff about being given the wrong order. At that point, I felt my bladder was beginning to ache for release, and I told my friend that we’re going to miss the start of the movie because of the situation. Moments later, we saw the senior manager bring in extra staff to the kiosk to serve the rest of our queue.
When we finally got to one of the screens, I asked my friend about the tickets. Our seats were in the middle of a row, and it was full of people who were already seated. They had to get up so we could walk past them. One of them started cursing at us as we did so. We had already missed ten minutes of the start of the movie as we sat down.
Less than half an hour in, I felt that I needed to pee badly by now- I should have visited the toilet. Avatar was over three hours long, so I would have to go at some point. Later on, I seriously couldn’t pay attention to what was going on becuase I was trying to hold my pee. Soon, I began to fidget a little. I bumped accidently next to my friend, who asked me what was wrong. The situation was made worse for me was that the cinema was cold- a notice said that the heating system had broken down.
As the movie continued, my fidgeting got steadily worse. I felt my bladder was going to explode unless I get up to go to the toilet, but that would mean walking past people on either side of us. It later came to the point that I just wanted for the movie to end. I managed to take my coat off and placed on my lap, then discreetly squeezed my penis through my trousers which eased the situation a little bit. However, towards the latter stages of the movie, I became more desperate, wriggling around in my seat and couldn’t stop fidgeting. Suddenly, I felt a little pee escape into my underpants. I leaned forward and grabbed my penis harder than ever. Some more pee escaped, and it took a huge effort to halt the mini flow. Thankfully I was wearing black trousers so if more pee came out it couldn’t be noticed.
Soon, the movie was over and the end credits were just about to start. Just as I was about to get up, my friend took my arm and said, “Where are you going? Let’s stay for the end, we’ll avoid the crowds then.” I reluctantly stayed, sitting on my seat, my hand continuing to squeeze my penis and desperately trying to hold my pee in. When the both of us finally got up, I didn’t care if he called me as I rushed to the toilet and let out a huge gusher down one of the urinals. Ohhhhh…. I felt so relieved about letting out that long held in pee. It felt like ages until I finally finished. I looked down at the small wet spot inside my underpants before zipping up my trousers.
When we left the cinema, my friend asked me whether or not I liked the movie. I didn’t sadly, but I couldn’t tell him the real reason.