In all the bad news over public spending reductions worldwide, here’s an amusing spoof video over how the cuts in the UK will affect people when using public toilets.
Author: The Bathroom
In the News: Why Glastonbury 2012 is going down the pan
The world famous Glastonbury pop festival may not take place in 2012 as a result of a potential toilet shortage….
Stories: Cindy at the Ball
It was Friday, and Cindy had sat down in the office canteen, feeling unhappy, and wondering what to do. She wanted to go to the charity ball that night, but couldn’t because she wasn’t a regular employee. She had got very friendly with that tall and handsome man Daniel in the accounts section, and wanted…
In The News: Is urine the new smog?
This article from Potlatch blog is mostly about economics and politics, but has some references to peeing in the urinals. Unless one knows about the comparisons, you won’t be able to understand a single word of it.
Miscellaneous: Toilet Humour
Not so much as a news story, it’s something which we found funny. Whenever you enter a public toilet, you see the health sign on the wall with the words: TOILET IS CHECKED EVERY 15 MINUTES. When we think about this, we found this cartoon, in which a man plays chess with a toilet! …
Sightings: One More
From Lionel: Of course, apart from such accidental sightings I have been lucky to have had many rather more deliberate incidents, with girl friends and my wife, thought while indulging me at times in this, she was never entirely comfortable and so that has now more or less dried up. However, she was responsible for…
Sightings: At The Beach
From Lionel: The beach can be a good place for lower level sightings. If there are no public toilets nearby I think most people, male and female will just go in the sea rather than leave the beach. No doubt this is happening discretely all the time but I can recall seeing some quite obvious…
Sightings: On Walks
From Lionel: Both my wife and I enjoy walking, and if we are out for any length of time that may well require a pee-break. But walking too can result in some unintended sightings.
Sightings: On The Road
Sightings in the course of life From Lionel: “I am both impressed and in awe of those who are able to take the time and effort to capture sightings at festivals, special events or just by hanging around big cities. This is not something I have been able to indulge in to any extent. However…
Sightings: New Year’s Eve Celebrations- More on Trafalgar Square
From Paul Tester, author of The All Day Girls, this is the second set of sightings during New Year celebrations. Now on the Internet, I have seen torrents of pee like these girls produced, but at the time it was a new experience for me. Nothing will ever convince me that these two girls were…